subroutine GET.TA.BUF.B(min.char,max.char,delay.interval,,str) ****************************************************************************** * * Routine to read characters from terminal * * Module %M% Version %I% Date %H% * * (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved * This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended * publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************* * * Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top * * Date.... GTAR# WHO Description........................................ * 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights. * 08/18/96 18335 PNV Added code to port 9 to Siemens Nixdorf. * 05/13/91 8345 DTM Changed print to tprint * 11/19/90 7746 DTM Fixed bug in carriage return handling for UCB systems * 08/13/90 7366 DPB Bugfix for bizarre I/O stream problem. * 06/28/90 7236 DSC New Cataloged routine * ******************************************************************************* * This subroutine returns a string of at least min.char characters and * as many as are in the type-ahead buffer at startup and as many * more are typed in until some timeout of no characters has passed, * but no more than max.char. After we get max.char characters, leave the * rest in the type-ahead buffer. * The timeout is milliseconds (in delay.interval-sized pieces). * (We check for more characters at each repition, so if user has typed * the maximum then user needn't wait for the full time to expire.) * This routine uses the echo, prompt, and cursor location as they are. * WORK: Can this code be made less pastoid? $INCLUDE UNIVERSE.INCLUDE TTY str = "" * First, fill up with the minimum acceptable if min.char > 0 then for i = 1 to min.char str := keyin() next i char.count = min.char end else char.count = 0 loopback: * Check for too many (only if this parameters was specified) if (max.char > 0) and (char.count >= max.char) then goto exit.point * This print statement is a fix to a bizarre bug where you need to print * a character on the output stream before you can read a character, or test * for a character on the input stream. IF @term.type # "97801-UV" AND @term.type # "97801-uv" AND @term.type # "97808-UV" AND @term.type # "97808-uv" THEN tprint char(0): * Check for characters in the type-ahead buffer already input more,-1 if more then goto get.another * Wait a while, testing for new characters in the type-ahead buffer * every so often. An argument could be made to be a CPU hog and just * test the buffer n times (n =? 100) before timing out. This is a * compromise between that and waiting the full timeout period before * checking. It is a design requirement that user must be allowed to * type at full speed, may not be required to pause between typing * characters (cf vi). * This extra wait time is for characters that were typed with one keystroke * but which got separated (eg by network propagation delays). if delay.interval > 0 and > 0;* Only wait if reasonable values then for = 1 to step delay.interval nap delay.interval input more,-1 if more then goto get.another next end * No more characters came in, so exit goto exit.point get.another: str := keyin() char.count += 1 goto loopback exit.point: return