****************************************************************************** * * Permissions handling subroutine for UniVerse Files * * Module %M% Version %I% Date %H% * * (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved * This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended * publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************* * * Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top * * Date.... GTAR# WHO Description......................................... * 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights. * 08/30/96 19155 DJD Fixed runtime error message. * 06/05/96 18438 JC Port to NT * 12/07/94 15371 PVW Created subroutine. * ******************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE OpenError (ErrorCode, FileName, PathName) BEGIN CASE CASE ErrorCode = -1 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970020, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -2 IF PathName MATCHES "...!/..." or PathName MATCHES "...!\..." THEN CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970021, FileName) END ELSE CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970022, FileName) END CASE ErrorCode = -3 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970023, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -4 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970024, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -5 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970025, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -6 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970026, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -7 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970027, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -8 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970028, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -9 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970029, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -10 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970030, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -11 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970031, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -12 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970032, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -13 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970033, FileName) CASE ErrorCode = -14 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970034, FileName) CASE 1 CALL *UVPRINTMSG(970035, FileName, ErrorCode) END CASE RETURN END