****************************************************************************** * * EXAM.COMMON.B - Routine to display the UV$open$files named common. * * Module %M% Version %I% Date %H% * * (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved * This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended * publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************* * * Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top * * Date.... GTAR# WHO Description........................................ * 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights. * 10/12/92 10327 WLC Initial Release. ******************************************************************************* * * This program displays the contents of named common * /UV$open$files/. * $OPTIONS PICK $INCLUDE UNIVERSE.INCLUDE OPEN.TOOLS.H * * Equates * EQU SUCCESS TO 1 EQU FAILURE TO 0 EQU FILES.NOW.OPENED TO FILE$TABLE(1) ;* list of file names EQU TABLE.POINTER TO FILE$TABLE(2) ;* list of pointers to FILE$VARS EQU TABLE.COUNTER TO FILE$TABLE(3) ;* next available FILE$VAR entry EQU OPEN.REQUESTS TO FILE$TABLE(4) ;* list of # opens requested EQU VARIABLE.LIST TO FILE$TABLE(5) ;* list of variable stamps * * Declare named common * COMMON /UV$open$files/ FILE$VARS(TABLE.MAX),FILE$TABLE(5),curr$UV$ACCOUNT * * FILE$VARS : contains actual filevars that are returned * FILE$TABLE : 5 elements * element 1 : list of opened file names ascending left (multi valued) * element 2 : pointer into file$vars array (multi valued) * element 3 : current number of open files (single value) * element 4 : file open requests (multi valued) * element 5 : variable stamp - unique identifier for the variable name * used in open call. (multi valued) * * curr$UV$ACCOUNT : the name of the account in which these files * were opened. * NUM.ENTRIES = count(FILES.NOW.OPENED, @VM)+1 HEADING "Current UniVerse Account: ":curr$UV$ACCOUNT:"'LL'CNT File Name Requests Variable Stamp'L'--- ------------------------------ -------- -------------------------" FOR I = 1 TO NUM.ENTRIES PRINT FMT("000":I,"R#3"):") ":FMT(FILES.NOW.OPENED,"L#30"):" ":FMT("00000000":OPEN.REQUESTS,"R#8"):" ":FMT(VARIABLE.LIST, "L#25") NEXT I END