******************************************************************************* * * New System Admin - This draws the GUI screen, and varying parts of the * GUI screen. * * Module %M% Version %I% Date %H% * * (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved * This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended * publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************* * * Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top * * Date.... GTAR# WHO Description......................................... * 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights. * 05/15/96 18330 LDG Changed LEN() function to LENDP() for NLS DBCS. * 05/13/91 8345 DTM changed print to tprint * 03/13/91 7673 DTM Changed things for performance purposes * 11/05/90 7393 DPB Routine first created and admin'd. ******************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE DRAW.SCRN(title, option) $INCLUDE UNIVERSE.INCLUDE MTF.INCL.H x = STR(h.line,78) BEGIN CASE CASE option = 1 TPRINT @(-1): GOSUB full.screen CASE option = 2 GOSUB top.line CASE option = 3 GOSUB open.help CASE option = 4 GOSUB close.help END CASE RETURN full.screen: GOSUB top.line FOR I = 1 to 21 TPRINT @(0,I):v.line:@(79,I):v.line: NEXT I TPRINT @(0,2):l.tee:x:r.tee:@(0,16):l.tee:x:r.tee: TPRINT @(0,22):ll.corner:x:rl.corner: ;* added DTM help.title="Help Region" ht.len=LENDP(help.title) TPRINT @((40 - (ht.len+4/2))+5+ht.len,16): CALL *INVERSE.B(0) TPRINT @((80 - (ht.len+4))/2, 16): CALL *INVERSE.B(1) TPRINT " ":help.title:" ": CALL *INVERSE.B(0) RETURN top.line: TPRINT @(0,0):lu.corner:x:ru.corner IF title # "" THEN t.len=LENDP(title) TPRINT @((40 - (t.len+4/2))+5+t.len,0): CALL *INVERSE.B(0) TPRINT @((80 - (t.len+4))/2, 0): CALL *INVERSE.B(1) TPRINT " ":title:" ": CALL *INVERSE.B(0) END RETURN open.help: TPRINT @(0,16):ll.corner:x:rl.corner: blank=CL:" " FOR I = 17 to 22 TPRINT @(0,I):blank: NEXT I RETURN close.help: TPRINT @(0,16):l.tee:x:r.tee: blank=CL:" " FOR I = 17 to 21 TPRINT @(0,I):v.line:blank:v.line: NEXT I TPRINT @(0,22):ll.corner:x:rl.corner: RETURN END