***************************************************************************** * * Catalog GCI subroutines * * Module %M% Version %I% Date %H% * * (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved * This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended * publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************* * * Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top * * Date.... GTAR# WHO Description......................................... * 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights. * 04/03/96 18026 PGW Added file name on cmd line, & setting @SYSTEM.SET * 02/22/94 12300 LA Changed to scan GCI file and catalog any routines * which contain a catalog prefix ("$", "!", "-" or "*") * 10/27/89 5273 DSC Exit when given XX et al (formerly restarted) * 07/25/88 - - Maintenence log purged at 5.2.1, see release 5.1.10. * ******************************************************************************* PROGRAM CATLG.GCI ID = "@(#)%M% %I%" $INCLUDE UNIVERSE.INCLUDE FILENAMES.H $INCLUDE UNIVERSE.INCLUDE MACHINE.NAME * prompt "" cl = @(-4) cl.err = @(0,23):cl EQU bell TO CHAR(7) err = cl.err:bell msg10=err:PROD.NAMEU:' General Calling Interface is not installed.' IF OS.TYPE = "UNIX" THEN * Unix: this program can only be run in uvhome OPEN '','DATA.TYPES' TO fvdata.types ELSE PRINT msg10: INPUT q: ; PRINT cl.err: @SYSTEM.SET = -1 STOP END def.file.name = 'GCI' END ELSE * Windows NT: this program can be run in any account OPENPATH UV.ROOT:'\DATA.TYPES' TO fvdata.types ELSE PRINT msg10: INPUT q: ; PRINT cl.err: @SYSTEM.SET = -1 STOP END * You can specify the definition file by putting its name on the * command line, otherwise it defaults to 'GCI' cmd = CONVERT(" ", @FM, TRIM(@SENTENCE)) def.file.name = cmd<4> IF def.file.name = "" THEN def.file.name = 'GCI' END PRINT @( -1 ) PRINT @( 0, 0 ):"General Calling Interface Administration" : @( 69, 0 ) : "CATLG.GCI": IF OS.TYPE = "UNIX" THEN PRINT @( 23, 1): "Catalog GCI subroutines": END ELSE PRINT @( 23, 1): "Catalog GCI subroutines from GCI Definition File ":def.file.name: END PRINT @( 0, 2 ): STR( "-", 79 ): PRINT @( 0, 4 ): gci.fvar = '' OPEN '', def.file.name TO gci.fvar ELSE PRINT "Cannot open file ":def.file.name:".": PRINT " Subroutines will not be cataloged." @SYSTEM.SET = -1 GOTO exit.catlg.gci END SELECT gci.fvar eof = 0 id.count = 0 LOOP READNEXT id ELSE eof = 1 UNTIL eof prefix = id[1,1] IF prefix = "$" OR prefix = "!" OR prefix = "*" OR prefix = "-" THEN PERFORM "CATALOG.GCI ":id id.count += 1 END REPEAT CLOSE gci.fvar @SYSTEM.SET = id.count exit.catlg.gci: END