#ifndef h_uvconfig #define h_uvconfig /****************************************************************************** * * UniVerse tunable paramaters mapping table * * Module %M% Version %I% Date %H% * * (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved * This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intented * publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************* * * Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top * * Date.... GTAR# WHO Description......................................... * 06/22/99 24674 KAM Add PIOPENDEFAULT tunable * 04/29/99 24819 CSM Add TSTIMEOUT tunable for telnet client licensing * 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights. * 09/20/98 23677 LPC Added 64BIT_FILES tunables * 04/06/98 22395 JBG Change external name of RECORDCACHE to JOINBUF * 04/01/98 22395 KAM Added RECORDCACHE tunable * 03/18/98 17987 KAM Added MAXERRLOGENT tunable * 05/29/97 20606 LAG Added UDRMODE and UDRBLKS for replication * 09/03/96 19171 DJD Changes BSHDISPATCH to SHDISPATCH and BAT to DOS * 05/20/96 18477 DGC Port PACS to Release 9 (FiiRESTORM III) * 04/12/96 18195 KAM Add THDR512 tunable * 04/12/96 18194 KAM Add MODFPTRS tunable * 03/07/96 18118 EAP Added NLSLCMODE, NLSDEFUSERLC and NLSDEFSRVLC * Changed NLSDEFICIMAP to NLSDEFSRVMAP * 03/01/96 18074 CSM Add LOGSYINT and LOGSYCNT tunables * 02/02/96 17949 SHJ Add OCVDATE tunable * 11/08/95 17619 SHJ Add LAYERSEL tunable * 11/03/95 17597 SHJ Add PROCRCMD and PROCPRMT tunables * 26/09/95 17379 JJV Added CSHDISPATCH,BSHDISPATCH,BATDISPATCH tunables. * 09/25/95 17185 SHK Add ALLOWNFS tunable support * 08/03/95 17090 NDP Change NLSON tunable to NLSMODE. * 03/01/95 14643 GMH Added PROCACMD tunable * 02/27/95 15741 EAP Added NLSOSMAP tuneable. * 11/23/94 15736 EAP Added NLS tuneables * 08/24/94 14536 CSM added logging tuneables LOGBLNUM and LOGBLSZ * 06/19/94 14240 PVW Add MAXRLOCK ISOMODE and PKRJUST * 05/17/94 13972 SHK Increase array to allow for 8 character names * 03/01/94 13167 JWT Integrate Pyramid O_SYNC change * 02/14/94 12973 JWF add PICKNULL tunable for oconv() * 04/20/93 10379 PVW add BLKMAX tunable for uvbackup/uvrestore * 03/20/92 8956 TMC add UVSYNC tunable for sync() * 06/18/90 7209 TMC Syntax error correction * 05/04/90 5192 JWT New pstat interface * 11/18/89 6457 JWT extend tunables definitions * 08/24/89 6072 JWT tunable disk locking * 08/21/89 6059 JWT allow default ulimit to be tunable * 03/03/89 5751 JWT Implement onsite tunable parameters * *****************************************************************************/ /* CONFMAX is the number of tunable parameters in universe. the confnames array contains the mapping from tunable name in uvconfig, to the case number in the load_conf switch statement. NOTE: Tunable names should not be more than 13 characters long. confpair.name is dimensioned as 14 characters to allow for a null terminating string. */ #define CONFMAX 78 struct confpair { int casenum; char name[14]; } confnames[CONFMAX] = { { 1, "MFILES" }, { 2, "WIDE0" }, { 3, "UVSPOOL" }, { 4, "UVTEMP" }, { 5, "SCRMIN" }, { 6, "SCRMAX" }, { 7, "SCRSIZE" }, { 8, "QDEPTH" }, { 9, "HISTSTK" }, { 10, "QSRUNSZ" }, { 11, "QSBRNCH" }, { 12, "QSDEPTH" }, { 13, "QSMXKEY" }, { 14, "ULIMIT" }, { 15, "FSEMNUM" }, { 16, "GSEMNUM" }, { 17, "PSEMNUM" }, { 18, "FLTABSZ" }, { 19, "GLTABSZ" }, { 20, "RLTABSZ" }, { 21, "PAKTIME" }, { 22, "QBREAK" }, { 23, "T30FILE" }, { 24, "UVSYNC" }, { 25, "VDIVDEF" }, { 26, "NETTIME" }, { 27, "OPENCHK" }, { 28, "TXMODE" }, { 29, "TXMEM" }, { 30, "OPTMEM" }, { 31, "SELBUF" }, { 32, "RLOWNER" }, { 33, "BLKMAX" }, { 34, "PICKNULL" }, { 35, "SYNCALOC" }, { 36, "MAXRLOCK" }, { 37, "ISOMODE" }, { 38, "PKRJUST" }, { 39, "LOGBLSZ" }, { 40, "LOGBLNUM" }, { 41, "NLSMODE" }, { 42, "NLSREADELSE" }, { 43, "NLSWRITEELSE" }, { 44, "NLSDEFFILEMAP" }, { 45, "NLSDEFDIRMAP" }, { 46, "NLSNEWFILEMAP" }, { 47, "NLSNEWDIRMAP" }, { 48, "NLSDEFPTRMAP" }, { 49, "NLSDEFTERMMAP" }, { 50, "NLSDEFDEVMAP" }, { 51, "NLSDEFGCIMAP" }, { 52, "NLSDEFSRVMAP" }, { 53, "NLSDEFSEQMAP" }, { 54, "NLSOSMAP" }, { 55, "PROCACMD" }, { 56, "PROCRCMD" }, { 57, "PROCPRMT" }, { 58, "ALLOWNFS" }, { 59, "CSHDISPATCH" }, { 60, "SHDISPATCH" }, { 61, "DOSDISPATCH" }, { 62, "LAYERSEL" }, { 63, "OCVDATE" }, { 64, "LOGSYCNT" }, { 65, "LOGSYINT" }, { 66, "NLSLCMODE" }, { 67, "NLSDEFUSERLC" }, { 68, "NLSDEFSRVLC" }, { 69, "MODFPTRS" }, { 70, "THDR512" }, { 71, "UDRMODE" }, { 72, "UDRBLKS" }, { 73, "MAXERRLOGENT" }, { 74, "JOINBUF" }, { 75, "AFFNMODE" }, { 76, "64BIT_FILES" }, { 77, "TSTIMEOUT" }, { 78, "PIOPENDEFAULT" } }; #endif /* end of uvconfig.h */