/****************************************************************************** /* /* gci.menu.u - GCI administration menu /* /* Module %M% Version %I% Date %H% /* /* (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved /* This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc. /* The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended /* publication of such source code. /* /****************************************************************************** /* /* Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top /* /* Date.... GTAR# WHO Description......................................... /* 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights. /* 03/25/96 18026 pgw Added MS Windows version. /* 02/22/94 12300 LA Changes for PI/open compatibility: removed catalog /* and uncatalog options and added import option. /* 02/18/90 6841 DTW remove extra blank lines /* 02/10/90 DTW new file /* /******************************************************************************* /? MSWIN GCI.ADMIN /# UUV General Calling Interface Administration @(9,4)Create a GCI Definition File /} @(9,6)Add, Modify and Delete GCI subroutines in a GCI Definition File /} @(9,8)List GCI subroutines in a GCI Definition File /} @(9,10)List GCI data types /} @(9,12)Make a GCI Library from a GCI Definition File /} @(9,14)Install a GCI Library /} @(9,16)Edit the Standard GCI Library List /} @(9,18)Import a PI/open definition file into a GCI Definition File RUN APP.PROGS GCI.CREAT.B <> /} RUN APP.PROGS GCI.MAINT <> /} RUN APP.PROGS LIST.GCI <> /} RUN APP.PROGS LIST.TYPES /} RUN APP.PROGS GCI.NTMAKL.B <> /} RUN APP.PROGS GCI.NTINST.B <> /} RUN APP.PROGS GCI.NTEDL.B /} RUN APP.PROGS GCI.CONVPI.B <> Create a new data file to hold GCI definitions. /} Maintain a GCI Definition File. /} List all the subroutines defined in a GCI File. /} List DATA.TYPES file. /} Create a new GCI Library using the subroutines defined in a GCI file. /} Make a new GCI Library available to all users. /} Edit the list of GCI Libraries available to all users. /} Import a PI/open definition file into a specified GCI file. @(10,22)Enter selection or to return , x,X,q,Q /% GCI.ADMIN /# UUV General Calling Interface Administration @(16,4)Add, Modify and Delete GCI subroutines /} @(16,6)List GCI subroutines /} @(16,8)List GCI data types /} /# @(16,10)Make a new UV /} /# @(16,12)Install new UV /} @(16,14)Import a PI/open definition file RUN APP.PROGS GCI.MAINT /} RUN APP.PROGS LIST.GCI /} RUN APP.PROGS LIST.TYPES /} RUN APP.PROGS MAKE.NEW.UV /} RUN APP.PROGS INSTL.NEW.UV /} RUN APP.PROGS GCI.CONVPI.B Maintain GCI file. /} List GCI file. /} List DATA.TYPES file. /} /# Make a new UV with GCI subroutines. /} /# Install a new UV with GCI subroutines. /} Import a PI/open definition file into the GCI file. @(17,18)Enter selection or to return , x,X,q,Q /*