******************************************************************************* * * New System Admin - This routine allows the user to perform various * manipulations to the help area at the bottom of the GUI screen. * * Module %M% Version %I% Date %H% * * (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved * This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended * publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************* * * Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top * * Date.... GTAR# WHO Description......................................... * 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights. * 05/20/96 18330 LDG Changed LEN() function to LENDP() for NLS DBCS. * 05/13/91 8345 DTM changed print to tprints * 03/12/91 7673 DTM Changed for consistency sake. * 11/05/90 7393 DPB Routine first created and admin'd. ******************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE HELP.PRINT.B(text, opt) $INCLUDE UNIVERSE.INCLUDE MTF.INCL.H top = 17 bottom = 21 start = 1 length = 77 IF help.init = 0 THEN help.pos = top help.lock = FALSE help.init = TRUE END store = text BEGIN CASE CASE help.lock = 1 help.lock = 0 BEGIN CASE CASE opt = 2 help.lock = 1 CASE opt = 3 GOSUB clear.area CASE opt = 4 help.init = 5 GOSUB clear.area CASE opt = 5 help.pos = bottom END CASE CASE help.lock = 0 GOSUB clear.area BEGIN CASE CASE opt = 2 help.lock = 1 CASE opt = 4 help.init = 5 CASE opt = 5 help.pos = bottom END CASE END CASE loop1: IF LENDP(text) > length THEN temp = length LOOP UNTIL text[temp,1] =' ' DO temp -= 1 IF temp=0 THEN GOTO loop2 END REPEAT loop2: IF temp < 40 THEN temp = length tstr = text[1,temp] text = text[temp+1, LENDP(text)] TPRINT @(start, help.pos):tstr: help.pos += 1 IF help.pos > bottom THEN help.pos=top END GOTO loop1 END TPRINT @(start, help.pos):text: help.init = help.pos - (top - 1) help.pos += 1 IF help.pos > bottom THEN help.pos=top END text = store RETURN clear.area: FOR I = top TO (top - 1 + help.init) TPRINT @(start,I):CL: NEXT I help.pos = top RETURN END