******************************************************************************* * * Interlude to handle external algorithms for Partitioned files. * * Module %M% Version %I% Date %H% * * (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved * This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended * publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************* * * Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top * * Date.... GTAR# WHO Description......................................... * 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights. * 05/23/94 14165 ALC Implement the EXTERNAL partitioning algorithm. * ******************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE EXTERNALG(RESULT, ROUTINE, ID, IDLEN, NUMVOLS) DECLARE GCI DBmvhash * If the NUMVOLS arg is zero then we have an EXTERNAL algorithm, * otherwise we have a MULTIVOLUME algorithm, so adjust call accordingly * IF NUMVOLS = 0 THEN PART.NUM = 0 CALL @ROUTINE(ID, IDLEN, PART.NUM) RESULT = PART.NUM END ELSE PART.NUM = NUMVOLS RESULT = DBmvhash(ID, IDLEN, PART.NUM) END RETURN END