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2024-09-09 21:51:08 +00:00
Subroutine MTF.REDRAW.B
* Repaint MOTIF menu screen
* Module %M% Version %I% Date %H%
* (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved
* This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc.
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended
* publication of such source code.
* Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top
* Date.... GTAR# WHO Description.........................................
* 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights.
* 05/15/96 18330 LDG Changed LEN() function to LENDP() for NLS DBCS.
* 05/13/91 8345 DTM Changed print to tprint
* 06/28/90 7236 JWT New MOTIF like new capability
* This subroutine repaints all the stacked MOTIF menu objects on the
* terminal screen upon return from an executed subprogram. The stacked
* menu objects are retrieved from the common data stucture area. The
* element is the number of stacked elements. The other common
* data element used are:
* stk.title - menu stack, menu title
* stk.items - menu stack, menu item captions
* stk.x.orig - menu stack, menu x (horizontal) anchor point
* stk.y.orig - menu stack, menu y (vertical) anchor point
* stk.width - menu stack, menu width if vertical; dynamic array of
* x start and end points for each caption if horizontal
* stk.cursor - menu stack, menu cursor location
* stk.choices - menu stack, menu number of captions on menu
* By the convention of usage, the bottom stack element (element 1) is
* the menubar, and all the rest are menu boxes.
id = "%W%"
* Calculate the x position of the menu title, we center the title on the screen
* and then adjust the position by one space if the terminal has visable
* attributes.
title.pos = (COLUMNS - lendp(stk.title(1))) / 2
if VIDEO.SPACES then title.pos -= 1
* Clear screen to remove stuff left by previous program, then display menu
* and call MTF.PAINT.B to paint the main menubar
tprint @(-1)
tprint @(title.pos+lendp(stk.title(1))+1,0):@(-16):@(title.pos,0):@(-15):stk.title(1):@(-16)
call *MTF.PAINT.B(1, stk.x.orig(1), stk.y.orig(1),
stk.width(1), stk.choices(1), stk.items(1))
* If the cursor position for the menubar is set, display the selection
* indicator characters '<' '>'
if stk.cursor(1)
tprint @(stk.width(1)<stk.cursor(1),1>,stk.y.orig(1)):'<':
tprint @(stk.width(1)<stk.cursor(1),2>,stk.y.orig(1)):'>':
* Now redisplay each of the open menu boxes in the order they were entered.
* This is necessary since we do no real window management.
for i = 2 to
call *MTF.PAINT.B(VERTICAL, stk.x.orig(i), stk.y.orig(i),
stk.width(i), stk.choices(i), stk.items(i))
if stk.cursor(i)
tprint @(stk.x.orig(i) + 1, stk.y.orig(i) + stk.cursor(i)):'<':
tprint @(stk.x.orig(i) + stk.width(i) - 2, stk.y.orig(i) + stk.cursor(i)):'>':
next i