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2024-09-09 21:51:08 +00:00
* Global variables for SDML
* Module %M% Version %I% Date %H%
* (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved
* This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc.
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intented
* publication of such source code.
* Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top
* Date.... GTAR# WHO Description.........................................
* 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights.
* 01/25/96 17832 HSB Moved alter_fdesc into globals file.
* 12/05/95 17613 HSB Created from common global variables from sdml_misc split
* 12/06/95 17613 HSB Removed ANSI prototypes.
#define Ex
#define I(vals) = vals
#define SI(len, text) = {len, (text)}
Ex PUB_RO uchar TMtext[] = {TM};
Ex PUB_RO uchar VMtext[] = {VM};
#define Ex EXTERN
#define I(vals)
#define SI(len, text)
Ex PUB_RO uchar TMtext[];
Ex PUB_RO uchar VMtext[];
Ex PUB_RO char _uvviews[] I("sql/catalog/UV_VIEWS");
Ex PUB_RO char _dot[] I(".");
Ex PUB_RO char _slash[] I("/");
Ex PUB_RO char _VOC[] I("VOC");
Ex PUB_RO char _binrm[] I("/bin/rm");
Ex PUB_RO char _rm[] I("rm");
Ex PUB_RO char _rf[] I("-rf");
Ex PUB_RO char _uvschema[] I("sql/catalog/UV_SCHEMA");
Ex PUB_RO char _uvusers[] I("sql/catalog/UV_USERS");
Ex PUB_RO char _uvcolumn[] I("sql/catalog/UV_COLUMNS");
Ex PUB_RO char _uvtables[] I("sql/catalog/UV_TABLES");
Ex PUB_RO char _CONM[] I("UVCON_");
Ex PUB_RW UVSICA *atb_oldperms I((UVSICA *)0);
Ex PUB_RO STRING _periodstr SI(1, (uchar *)_dot);
Ex PUB_RO STRING TMstr SI(1, (uchar *)TMtext);
Ex PUB_RO STRING VMstr SI(1, (uchar *)VMtext);
Ex PUB_RW char tmppath[512];
Ex PUB_RW DBFILE drop_fdesc;
Ex PUB_RW DBFILE uvtables_fdesc;
Ex PUB_RW DBFILE eval_fdesc;
Ex PUB_RW DBFILE ri_fdesc;
Ex PUB_RW DBFILE ok_fdesc;
Ex PUB_RW DBFILE sica_fdesc;
Ex PUB_RW DBFILE alter_fdesc;
Ex PUB_RW char *author_name;
Ex PUB_RW struct passwd *author;
Ex PUB_RW int author_priv;
Ex PUB_RW int explain I(0);
Ex PUB_RW unsigned short *ref_col_list;
#undef Ex
#undef I
#undef SI
#define READ_LOCK(rec, fdesc, key, status) \
(rec) = DBReadLock((fdesc), (key), &(status), (GROUP_READ_LATCH|LOCK_RU),\
if (((status) & 0x7) == 3)\
#define READ_SICA(fd,sz,sica) \
sica = DBreadSICA(fd, sz); \
if (sica == (UVSICAREGION*)0) \
{ \
DBclose(fd); \
warning(950317); \
sdml_clup(); \
STRING lockuvtables();
char *get_schema();
int check_schema();
void drop_schema();
void add_schema_name();
void add_schema_auth();
void add_schema_path();
void mkdtlst();
void frdtlst();
int doing_create_schema();
void set_rowunique();
void add_assoc_col();
void add_ref_col();
void add_ref_cons();