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2024-09-09 21:51:08 +00:00
#ifndef h_creatfil
#define h_creatfil
* Create a UniVerse Database file
* Module %M% Version %I% Date %H%
* (c) Copyright 1998 Ardent Software Inc. - All Rights Reserved
* This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ardent Software Inc.
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intented
* publication of such source code.
* Maintenence log - insert most recent change descriptions at top
* Date.... GTAR# WHO Description.........................................
* 10/14/98 23801 SAP Change copyrights.
* 10/02/98 23673 GMH Add defines for 64bit support
* 11/17/94 15078 SJM Changed include of keyword.h to ckeyword.h
* 07/25/88 - - Maintenence log purged at 5.2.1, see release 5.1.10.
#include "ckeyword.h"
#define BOTH_FLAG 0 /* both the data and dictionary files */
#define DATA_FLAG 1 /* only the data file */
#define DICT_FLAG 2 /*requesting only the dictionary file to be created */
#define PDICT_FLAG 3 /* requesting only P_file be created/removed */
#define NO_FLAG 3 /*tells if filename is an illegal keyword */
#define KEY_LEN 2 /*the length of the keyword descriptor for DICT (20) */
/* and DATA (63) */
#define PLACE 3
#define DES 4
#define MAX_ARRY 512
#define MAX_ARRAY 1000
#define MAX_CODE 9999
#define LOW 1
#define HIGH 0x800000 /* 2 ^ 23 is max mod or sep value */
#define MAX_COPY (MAX_NAME + 2) /*maximum length of a newly created file*/
#define DICT_START (MAX_NAME - 1) /*dict name will be truncated to */
#define DICT_LIMIT (MAX_NAME + 2) /*dict name will be expanded to */
#define DATA_START (MAX_NAME - 3) /*data name will be truncated to */
#define DATA_LIMIT (MAX_NAME) /*data name will be expanded to */
#define MAX_2COPY (MAX_2NAME + 2) /*maximum length of a newly created file*/
#define DICT_2START (MAX_2NAME - 1) /*dict name will be truncated to */
#define DICT_2LIMIT (MAX_2NAME + 2) /*dict name will be expanded to */
#define DATA_2START (MAX_2NAME - 3) /*data name will be truncated to */
#define DATA_2LIMIT (MAX_2NAME) /*data name will be expanded to */
#define LOW_BOUNDS 1
#define UPPER_BOUNDS 19
#define DICT_SEP 2 /* the default separation for a DICT file is 2 */
#define DATA_SEP 4 /* the default separation for a DATA file is 4 */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define DATA_NAME 2 /* represents field two in the VOC file */
#define DICT_NAME 3 /* represents field three in the voc file */
#define PDICT_NAME 5 /* represents field five in the VOC file */
#endif /* end of creatfil.h */