start: CLS PRINT "This program will help you determine" PRINT "if you are old enough to apply for" PRINT "Social Security." PRINT INPUT "Please enter your current age."; age IF age < 65 THEN GOSUB young: IF age > 65 THEN GOSUB old: IF age = 65 THEN GOSUB correct: GOTO start young: CLS PRINT "You are too young. Please try again" PRINT "in a couple of years." PRINT INPUT "Press 'Enter' to continue."; dummyVariable PRINT GOTO start old: CLS PRINT "You are should have applied for" PRINT "Social Security by now." PRINT INPUT "Press 'Enter' to continue."; dummyVariable PRINT GOTO start correct: CLS PRINT "You are now eligiable to apply for " PRINT "Social Security." PRINT INPUT "Press 'Enter' to continue."; dummyVariable PRINT GOTO start