'------------------------- '-LINE demonstration #3 - '------------------------- CONST YELLOW = _RGB32(255, 255, 0) dim Style& dim Bit% dim Dir% Dir% = -1 SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) do cls _LIMIT 30 LOCATE 2, 33 PRINT "A Stylized Line" LOCATE 4, 21 PRINT "Press the Space Bar to change directions" LOCATE 6, 23 PRINT "Press the Escape key to exit the program." if _KEYHIT = 32 THEN Dir% = -Dir% Bit% = Bit% + Dir% if Bit% = 16 THEN Bit% = 0 ELSEIF Bit% = -1 then Bit% = 15 End if Style& = 2 ^ Bit% LINE (99, 129)-(539, 409), YELLOW, B , Style& _DISPLAY LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27)